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Functional Water - Kaqun Important Essay about the Naure of Kaqun
Dr. Iván Szalkai: Functional waters – the Kaqun water
Nowadays we hear with increasing frequency about therapeutic products, or agents claimed to be special, „miraculous”. These wonderworking agents often fail in scientific verification tests, however the explanation of their effect can often be found in areas with which we doctors are less familiar. For a long time this was the case with oxygen water. One of the reasons for the lack of explanation was the mechanism of producing oxygen water, as it is possible to find water, which was simply charged with oxygen – with a technology similar to soda water, where CO2 gas is absorbed by the water. There is also the water treated with ozone; but characteristically, in this case when the pressure decreases oxygen will soon be discharged from the water therefore it is impossible to detect its effect.
One type of water with increased oxygen level is the Kaqun water. The healing effect of Kaqun water is confirmed by several facts based on experience and experiments, but there is also doubt among the professionals, how can this water heal.
Experiments trace back the healing effects of the water to the following factors:
1. The water as a substance with special properties
2. Effects of dissolved oxygen in water
3. The change of the redox system in the body due to the water treatment
4. The alkaline effect of Kaqun water
Kaqun technology
The Kaqun water conversion technology is patented. In brief, the filtered water is led through an electric and magnetic field operating at a given frequency, then the water stays between catalyzers for a given time. Due to the treatment the following changes occur:
- The large water clusters break up and small, more stable clusters are formed consisting of 6-9 molecules
- Due to the electric field, the oxygen which is released builds into the small clusters
- The oxygen and part of the hydrogen form OH radical to alkalize the water
However, methods have been developed recently which change the structure of the water and thus it became possible to increase the oxygen content of the water for long periods.
But what really is water? We know it, we drink it, and it flows from the tap and is slowly becoming one of the most valuable assets. We are used to water being here for us; there is no life without it, and it is a significant component of the biologic structures. We know that its structure is H2O. We know that it freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees, and one of its specificities is that it is denser in 4 degrees than at 0 degrees, (did we ever wonder why?).
However, comparing it with other, similar molecules containing 2 H atoms (H2S, H2Se, H2Te), we find that based on its molecular weight it should boil at -100 degrees. In the sixth column of the periodic table of elements – where the oxygen is – the boil degree is basically higher, but water stands out even among these. The structure of the water, which is called cluster, is responsible for this phenomenon. That’s why the formula of the water is not H2O, but H2nOn. Its basic structure is tetrahedron (4-water molecules form the structure H8O4). These tetrahedrons make up the clusters consisting of several hundred molecules. Liquid water contains individual molecules as well as small and large clusters. These formations are continuously changing, decomposing and building, but about 10% stay stable. These formations can store other molecules inside their inner space and then slowly release them. Compared to the biochemical processes these clusters remain stable for long (msec) periods. Depending on how the dipole structured water molecules are aligned on the external shell of the cluster, they can have + or – charge, that is they are either acid or alkaline. Whether the cluster can penetrate the cell membrane or it remains in the intercellular space depends on its size. Small clusters consisting of 6-
8 water molecules can penetrate the cell wall. The water without clusters is considered „dead” water. Water penetrates the cell membrane with the help of “transport” proteins. The transport protein is a protein which is spirally coiled and the negative charged amino acids are located on the outer side where they form a channel, where the dipole water (small water clusters consisting of 6-9 water molecules) and the bound (dissolved within) substances can penetrate the cell membrane. The osmotic pressure also plays a part in the penetration since inside the cell thanks to substances dissolved the osmotic pressure 300 mosm/l, (isotonicity 280 mosm/l), which is higher than the osmotic pressure of the extracellular field. The filtering role of the membrane cell is represented by, that the ph-value is 6.8 inside the cell, while it is 7.3-7.4 in the field outside the cell. The strong negative charged sialic acid on the surface of the cell can secure the wet shell of the cell wall with Van der Waals bonds.
The forming of clusters is allowed by the dipole characteristics. The oxygen side is negative charged the hydrogen atoms side is positive charged. The electric difference allows for H-O bridges to be formed between the water molecules, whose distance is greater but their bond strength is smaller than the strength of the H-O bond inside the molecule. These bonds form the basic tetrahedron structure of the water. The variability of the cluster structure creates the crystal structure of the water. The frozen water is solid crystal, which when melted transforms to a liquid crystal. As the temperature increases, so does this cluster structure shifts towards the individual molecules – the clusters break up and the individual water molecules become gas phase. The ratio and form of the clusters are influenced by several factors.
The speciality of Kaqun water is that in the course of the structural change oxygen atoms are freed from their bonds and are stored inside the small clusters, and the large clusters break down to sizes still able to retain the oxygen within them but are also able to penetrate the cell membrane.
The other form of the water is not the spherical cluster but the strand shaped polymer structure. This structure is able to string up the ring shaped molecules (proteins, hormones, carbohydrates) enabling chemical reaction, „exchange of information” to take place between them. The exchange of information between cells has been discovered as the result of research carried out in the last decades and can
be connected to the biophotons. These photons are released in the course of chemical reactions and affect the way the cells function.
Polymerization can be electron donor and electron acceptor, thus taking part in the “fight” for the free electrons inside the body. One of the mechanisms which start polymerization can be connected to the presence of Fe2 and hyperoxid (Fenton reaction).
Fe2+ + H2O2 = Fe3+ + OH- + OH*
The created radicals start the polymerization of the water.
Water polymers have a special characteristic, the modification velocity of the polymers changes when irradiated with external frequency (sound, light). When exposed to light the spontaneous vibration frequence of the polymer increases. The evaluation of this phenomenon goes a long way and is present in the explanation of the effect of other therapies too, like sound, laser, infrared radiation, infrasound, Tibetan bells, magnetic therapy and mobile phones.
The water clusters explain the physical characteristics of the water, like the special surface tension, wherein due to the van der Waals energies the surface of the liquid can be pressured to some degree, the inwardly energy of the surface molecules exceed the outwardly forces caused by the movement of the molecules. This does not only have significance in case of water striders, but also in the penetration of substances in liquids through the surface of the skin, in this case the transport of dissolved oxygen into the body.
Researches separate the biological water (within the cell) from other water. The dipole structure of the water allows the bonding of hydrophile and hydrophobe proteins (macromolecules) within the cell, establishing enzyme reactions.
Kaqun water contains 18-20 mg oxygen per litre, which is 6-8 times more then the average oxygen content. The oxygen retention capacity of the water is such that the oxygen content of Kaqun water left in the open for 5 days decreases by 6.5% only-
Oxygen. Oxygen is the other corner stone of life, besides water. There is no life without oxygen, oxygen is such a nutrient to cells, which is a terminal electron acceptor in oxidative phosphorylation, but oxygen is also a very strong poison, and the body is only able to balance the effect of oxygen through a very complex regulating (redox) system. In an environment where there is a shortage or an excess of oxygen there is a change in the functioning of many cells.
The treatment with oxygen dissolved in water was developed by a German professor, Otto Warburg for the supplementary treatment of patients suffering from silicosis. By now it is well known that oxygen dissolved in water in suitable form improves the oxygen supply of the tissues, first of all naturally around the entry-absorption site (skin, alimentary tract, liver), but due to the stability of the clusters it reaches further by the blood. Tests carried out in different tumour cell lines showed a 50-100% decrease in the number of tumour cells. The effect is not linear with the oxygen concentration, and is only present in Kaqun water, and not in boiled water (boiling breaks down the cluster structure).
In today’s oxygen treatment the hyperbaric oxygen therapy is similar to the Kaqun water. Good results can be reached with long-term treatment in case of skin ulcers, people with carbon monoxide poisoning. During the treatment we can see through indicators the decrease of oxidative stress and inflammation. One side-effect of the hyperbaric oxygen therapy, spontaneous fracture does not occur in case of water treatments. Tissue hypoxia plays a role in the development of stroke, myocardial heart attack, diabetes and tumors.
The growth of tumour cells accelerates under a partial oxygen pressure of 7 Hgmm. When the level of oxygen falls below 2.5 Hgmm, the tumour cells loose their sensitivity to radiation, cytostaticum, and photodynamic treatment. During the measurement of tumor oxygenation it became proven that low (5-20 Hgmm partial pressure) significantly increases when inhaling high oxygen content air mixture. On the periphery of the tumor this can reach up to 160 Hgmm, while on the interior of the tumor 40-60 Hgmm (Kenneth 2007).
During the examination we were getting results that mice were put from hypoxic atmosphere to normal oxygen concentration (from 10% to 21%) the rate of
lymphoma development increased. In the case of Kaqun water – as we saw it – other processes are dominating.
Effects on free radicals, effects of oxidative stress
The oxygen in the body plays a very important electron-transfer role. The process: O’-> O2 ->O3 -> OH- ->H2O2 ->H2nOn
Cellular metabolism contain predominantly such redox processes, where even under physiological conditions oxygen with strong oxidative properties (Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS), nitrogen (Reactive Nitrogen Species, RNS) substances. They include free radicals with one or more unpaired electrons on their external electron shell, such as hydroxyl radical, superoxide radical, nitric oxid radical, lipid peroxyl radical; and molecules with highly reactive properties, such as hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorous acid. Due to the Kaqun water, the amount of free radicals in the body increases, which start biological processes representing dangerous signals for the body.
Though free radicals and reactive compounds play an important role as necessary signals in a given concentration and location for the physiological functioning of the cell (Droge, 2002). Thanks to their great reactive properties, they play a regulatory role in the signal transduction pathways, since getting into interaction with signalling molecules or enzyme proteins they can influence their functions.
Nowadays more and more studies confirm the signalling role of the redox system. The redox signal triggers specific regulatory processes (e.g. apoptosis at cellular level, vasodilation at tissue level, etc.). Redox processes have a role and place in the operation of the body, they can’t be considered as clearly negative participants, although they play a role in many lesions and diseases. Nowadays the regulatory role of free radicals is considered more primary as their pathological role, which is not about free radicals, but about the pathology, exhaustion of the body’s control system. The oxygen molecule is not dangerous, but during transformation with electron uptake free radicals are developed and these have harmful effects as well.
The life span of free radicals in vivo 10-7, 10-4 sec which enables them to act as signals and exert their effects not only at the place of creation but further away as well. The physiological location of the creation and control of free radicals is in the cell mitochondrion. Here the continuously created free radicals are neutralized by the superoxide dismutase enzyme. In the presence of iron or copper ions it is very aggressive. OH radical is created, which stays for 10-9 sec. No enzyme is able neutralize this (Fenton-reaction). As we have seen it, this reaction also has a role in water polymerization. The control of the body takes place in the earlier, peroxide phase.
Should the balance of the pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant system be upset degenerative diseases begin; this is called oxidative stress.
The living cells, as electrical systems continuously create and maintain an extreme, complex, 3-dimensional electric, i.e. redox pattern. The most efficient and quick physiological (and pathological) control is done by reactive oxygen and nitrogen derivatives. In the aerob cells the coordinated mitochondrial network consumes 90% of the oxygen used, securing the energy provided by ATP for cellular processes. This dynamic mitochondrial energy and the redox system change from moment-to-moment depending on the intra- and extracellular signs. When the oxygen is few compared to the current energy demand of the cell (reduced oxygen supply or increased energy demand) the coordinated intracellular mitochondrial network issues a hypoxic redox signal with the increased ROS emittance. The increased ROS emittance, as a secondary messenger system induces a coordinated complex response with redox-sensitive factors and molecules.
The oxidative processes in the body are bound to two compounds, ROS and RNS group. The RNS enzyme has three different isoforms. The neuronal nRNS (in central and peripheral neurons) and endothelial eRNS (mainly in endothelial cells) which are continuously expressed calcium- and calmodulin dependant enzymes. The inducible iRNS are created in immune cells and several other cell types. The transcriptional activation of iRNS can be caused by endogenous mediators (chemokines, cytokines) or exogenous factors (bacterial toxins, viral infections, allergens, ozone, hypoxia, tumors etc.)
The ROS effects in the signal transduction pathways can be divided into 4 main groups (Waldeck et al., 2009.):
- enhancing the IC-concentration of certain ions (e.g. Ca2+) triggers contraction and cell migration
- activating certain transcription factors (AP-1, NFκB, HIF-1) induces inflammation
- the matrix affecting metalloproteinase can modify the proteins of the extracellular matrix;
- reversibly inactivates such protein tyrosine-phosphatase such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) which represent an important signal transduction pathway ultimately activate transcription factors (e.g. c-myc, p38) which regulate apoptosis, cell growth and differentiation
The phagocyte enhancing effect of Kaqun water can be lead to the increased creation of free radicals, their main source is the NADPH oxidase (NOX). The superoxide-anion radical has an important defensive role in destroying pathogens which are created in large quantities towards the extracellular field. In the macrophage cells, the NADPH-oxidase as membrane-bound enzyme.
The mitochondrion’s role
The mitochondrion is the energy-creating organ of the cell, oxygen consumption and thus, free electron production.
The mitochondrion plays an important role, through Ca2+ metabolism to release the signal for starting apoptosis or cell growth. In the mitochondrion both the ROS and NOS system are present. The main igniters of mitochondrial ROS production are the inner membrane potential, Ca2+, O tension, NO and nutrient availability.
This ROS/RNS induced and regulated responses can influence gene expression, apoptosis, cell growth, cell adhesion, chemotaxis, protein-protein interactions, enzymatic functions, angiogenesis, immune processes, inflammatory
processes, Ca2+ homeostasis, ion channels and many other processes. During hyperbaric oxygen therapy the increase in the NO level showed paralellism with the healing rate of chronic ulcers.
Within experimental conditions, in the course of in vitro tests maximum reactive oxygen radical concentration in oxygenated Kaqun water can be achieved in 10 seconds. This reaction occurs in the same way in the cell system too, as both the generation of peroxidase from molecular oxygen and the oxidation of the substrate take place in the cell wall while reactive oxygen is produced. NADH also participates in the reaction. When the system is sound, the processes are in equilibrium. It is known that the absence of reactive oxygen radicals is just as problematic as their overproduction, which causes oxidative stress. The very fast increase of reactive oxygen measured in the in-vitro system supports the assumption that the feeding of oxygenated water in the required quantities will lead to the fast production of larger quantities of OH radicals in the Fenton (Haber-Weiss) reaction also within in-vitro circumstances. It is a known fact that the intracellular state, the reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) play an important role in apoptosis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are important signal systems in the intra and intercellular communication and in the conservation of the redox-homeostasis. This ROS/RNS induced and regulated response is able to influence gene expression, apoptosis, cell growth, cell adhesion, chemotaxis, protein–protein interactions and the enzymatic functions, angiogenesis, immune processes, inflammation processes, Ca2+ homeostasis, ion channels and many other processes.
The appearance of ROS in the lymphoid cells activates a transcription enzyme, which is an important factor in the cellular level oxidative stress. The ROS and RNS activation in the cell influence the degradation of incorrectly winded protein molecules, affects the operation of phospholipids and these materials are also important elements in signal creation as well.
The role of free radicals in the nervous system
ROS and RNS also operate as a signal for the nervous system, they have a role in the neural signalling processes, in the development of nervous system plasticity and memory. The NO is such a free radical molecule which is able to freeéy diffundate through the cell membrane and can act as a neurotransmitter,
neuromodulator and signalling molecule. It regulates neurotransmitter emission and through this way the synaptic activity and can regulate the excitability of midbrain dopamine neurons. However, neurotransmitters also have antioxidant and free radical catching properties, thus they regulate neurotransmission and the protective effects toward neurons.
The intake of Kaqun water creates a reactive radical peak (–√OH, O2− and H2O2) at the moment of consumption which with the above mechanism enhances the effect of free radicals and apoptosis, as well as the stimulation of the immune system on the one hand, and also provokes the body’s own anti-oxidant system. This wave of reactive radical production represents a strong apoptotic stimulus.
The body’s protection against oxidative stress is represented on three levels:
1. Antioxidant enzymes
2. Endogenous non-enzymatic antioxidant
3. Exogenous antioxidants (taken with food). It should be noted that the trace elements do not possess antioxidant effects, but also necessary for building the antioxidant enzymes of the body.
This is one of many and repeated proofs that there is a dynamic equilibrium in the body, and with our therapy, we must achieve the conservation of this equilibrium, therefore the one-sided blocking treatment may not be expedient.
Role of alkaline effect
Kaqun water is slightly alkaline, ph 7.6-8. The chemical effect on the inside of the cell is slightly acidic, the intracellular field slightly alkaline. The metabolites of the body are basically acidic which are excreted through kidneys, feces and skin.
Urine: between 4.5-8.5, depending on diet
Stool: 5.5, depending on diet
Sweat-skin: 4.5-5.5
The body also uses breathing (reduction of CO2 levels) and body fat to expel the unnecessary acidic substances. One task of the body fat is to store the acidic metabolites.
The consumption of slightly alkaline Kaqun water promotes the neutralization of the created acidic substances, and during bath by neutralizing the acids on the skin to increase their excretion. The viability of tumor cells decrease in alkaline medium.
Results of other measurements with Kaqun water:
1. Muscular power increased after drinking water. Reaction time decreases by several msecs. This measurement showed the increase in the performance of the muscular system due to the consumption of Kaqun water.
2. The oxygen saturation of the blood increased by 1.2% after drinking water. The average cardiac stress measured with the Vocardio device decreased from 22 to 16 (improved), the pulse rate decreased. This measurement shows the reaction capacity of the cardiac muscles to load. Blood pressure decreased by 2%, the result of the Rosenberg test improved. (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences)
3. Cardio-vascular diseases (tests of Dr. György Zeltner):
a. In the case of patients suffering from angina the need of taking nitrates decreased in 75% of the cases, while 41% stopped taking nitrates altogether.
b. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the rhythm became normal.
c. TIA, VBI improved by 80% after drinking water
d. In the case of peripheral obliterative vascular disease walking distance increased by 85% and for 25% of leg ulcers were also cured.
e. 60% of varicose leg ulcers were cured during Kaqun bath.
4. Kaqun water bath has the effect of improving skin diseases (virus, bacteria, fungus), and ulcers (varicose, angiostenotic, diabetic) improve or disappear completely. Verruca seborhoica flattens, their numbers decrease.
5. In the case of traumatic injuries epithelisation accelerates, burnt skin (radiation, thermal burns) heals without or with minimal scarring.
6. In the case of severe physical load Kaqun water decreases fatigue (long distance driving)
Kaqun water is used/applied in three forms.
1. Consumption of Kaqun water; in the case of preventive and conservation treatment the dose should be ½ l per day, in the case of therapy 1.5 l per day distributed throughout the day. In this case, the effect will become apparent after absorption in the alimentary tract, and the treatment is used in the case of diseases of internal organs, organs further from the skin and diseases of the alimentary tract.
2. Bathing in Kaqun water. The duration of the bath should be 50 minutes, 1-3 baths can be taken per day depending on the seriousness of the disease. It is recommended principally for diseases connoted with the skin or close to it but it is useful in other cases too. The duration of the bath cure should be two weeks, which can be continued after a pause. This should be determined according to the condition of the patient and the speed of healing
3. The use of oxy gel, which ensures long-term oxygen effect in the case of ulcers.
Availability of the treatment:
The Kaqun treatment site operates at the basement of the Semmelweis Hospital surgery. Appointment: 06-20-2056789. Professional questions: Dr. Zoltán Hegedűs
1. G. N. I. Clark, C. D. Cappa, J. D. Smith, R. J. Saykally, T. Head-Gordon The Structure of Ambient Water, J. Mol. Phys 108, 1415-1433 (2010)
2. Dr. Tóth József „Az oxigenizáció hatása a daganatok biológiai viselkedésére”. Orvosi Hetilap 2007 július 1415-1420.
3. Dröge W. Free Radicals in the Physiological Control of Cell Function. Physiol Rev 2002 82: 47-95
4. Vallance P, Leiper J. Blocking NO synthesis: how, where and why? Nat Rev Drug Discov 2002 1: 939-950.
5. José M. Matés, Francisca M. Sánchez-Jiménez; Role of reactive oxygen species in apoptosis: implications for cancer therapy. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell BiologyVolume 32, Issue 2, February 2000, Pages 157-170
6. Ho Joong Sung., Wenzhe Ma., Matthew F. Starost: Ambient Oxygen Promotes Tumori-genesis. PLoS ONE | May 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 5 | e19785
7. Despa F. Biological water: Its vital role in macromolecular structure and function. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Dec;1066:1-11.
8. Waldeck, W., Mueller, G., Wiessler, M., Brom, M., Toth K., Braun, K.: Autofluorescent proteins as photosensitizer in eukaryotes. . Int. J. Med. Sci.,2009., 6., 365-373.
9. Droge, W.: Free radicals in the physiological control of cell function. Physol. Rev.,2002., 82., 47-95.
10. Kenneth A. Krohn, Jeanne M. Link, and Ralph P. Mason: Molecular Imaging of Hypoxia J Nucl Med 2008; 49:129S–148S DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.107.045914
11. Sarma R, Angeles-Boza AM, Brinkley DW, Roth: Studies of the di-iron(VI) Intermediate in ferrate-dependent oxygen evolution from water. J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Sep 19;134(37):15371-86. Epub 2012 Sep 5.
Nowadays we hear with increasing frequency about therapeutic products, or agents claimed to be special, „miraculous”. These wonderworking agents often fail in scientific verification tests, however the explanation of their effect can often be found in areas with which we doctors are less familiar. For a long time this was the case with oxygen water. One of the reasons for the lack of explanation was the mechanism of producing oxygen water, as it is possible to find water, which was simply charged with oxygen – with a technology similar to soda water, where CO2 gas is absorbed by the water. There is also the water treated with ozone; but characteristically, in this case when the pressure decreases oxygen will soon be discharged from the water therefore it is impossible to detect its effect.
One type of water with increased oxygen level is the Kaqun water. The healing effect of Kaqun water is confirmed by several facts based on experience and experiments, but there is also doubt among the professionals, how can this water heal.
Experiments trace back the healing effects of the water to the following factors:
1. The water as a substance with special properties
2. Effects of dissolved oxygen in water
3. The change of the redox system in the body due to the water treatment
4. The alkaline effect of Kaqun water
Kaqun technology
The Kaqun water conversion technology is patented. In brief, the filtered water is led through an electric and magnetic field operating at a given frequency, then the water stays between catalyzers for a given time. Due to the treatment the following changes occur:
- The large water clusters break up and small, more stable clusters are formed consisting of 6-9 molecules
- Due to the electric field, the oxygen which is released builds into the small clusters
- The oxygen and part of the hydrogen form OH radical to alkalize the water
However, methods have been developed recently which change the structure of the water and thus it became possible to increase the oxygen content of the water for long periods.
But what really is water? We know it, we drink it, and it flows from the tap and is slowly becoming one of the most valuable assets. We are used to water being here for us; there is no life without it, and it is a significant component of the biologic structures. We know that its structure is H2O. We know that it freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees, and one of its specificities is that it is denser in 4 degrees than at 0 degrees, (did we ever wonder why?).
However, comparing it with other, similar molecules containing 2 H atoms (H2S, H2Se, H2Te), we find that based on its molecular weight it should boil at -100 degrees. In the sixth column of the periodic table of elements – where the oxygen is – the boil degree is basically higher, but water stands out even among these. The structure of the water, which is called cluster, is responsible for this phenomenon. That’s why the formula of the water is not H2O, but H2nOn. Its basic structure is tetrahedron (4-water molecules form the structure H8O4). These tetrahedrons make up the clusters consisting of several hundred molecules. Liquid water contains individual molecules as well as small and large clusters. These formations are continuously changing, decomposing and building, but about 10% stay stable. These formations can store other molecules inside their inner space and then slowly release them. Compared to the biochemical processes these clusters remain stable for long (msec) periods. Depending on how the dipole structured water molecules are aligned on the external shell of the cluster, they can have + or – charge, that is they are either acid or alkaline. Whether the cluster can penetrate the cell membrane or it remains in the intercellular space depends on its size. Small clusters consisting of 6-
8 water molecules can penetrate the cell wall. The water without clusters is considered „dead” water. Water penetrates the cell membrane with the help of “transport” proteins. The transport protein is a protein which is spirally coiled and the negative charged amino acids are located on the outer side where they form a channel, where the dipole water (small water clusters consisting of 6-9 water molecules) and the bound (dissolved within) substances can penetrate the cell membrane. The osmotic pressure also plays a part in the penetration since inside the cell thanks to substances dissolved the osmotic pressure 300 mosm/l, (isotonicity 280 mosm/l), which is higher than the osmotic pressure of the extracellular field. The filtering role of the membrane cell is represented by, that the ph-value is 6.8 inside the cell, while it is 7.3-7.4 in the field outside the cell. The strong negative charged sialic acid on the surface of the cell can secure the wet shell of the cell wall with Van der Waals bonds.
The forming of clusters is allowed by the dipole characteristics. The oxygen side is negative charged the hydrogen atoms side is positive charged. The electric difference allows for H-O bridges to be formed between the water molecules, whose distance is greater but their bond strength is smaller than the strength of the H-O bond inside the molecule. These bonds form the basic tetrahedron structure of the water. The variability of the cluster structure creates the crystal structure of the water. The frozen water is solid crystal, which when melted transforms to a liquid crystal. As the temperature increases, so does this cluster structure shifts towards the individual molecules – the clusters break up and the individual water molecules become gas phase. The ratio and form of the clusters are influenced by several factors.
The speciality of Kaqun water is that in the course of the structural change oxygen atoms are freed from their bonds and are stored inside the small clusters, and the large clusters break down to sizes still able to retain the oxygen within them but are also able to penetrate the cell membrane.
The other form of the water is not the spherical cluster but the strand shaped polymer structure. This structure is able to string up the ring shaped molecules (proteins, hormones, carbohydrates) enabling chemical reaction, „exchange of information” to take place between them. The exchange of information between cells has been discovered as the result of research carried out in the last decades and can
be connected to the biophotons. These photons are released in the course of chemical reactions and affect the way the cells function.
Polymerization can be electron donor and electron acceptor, thus taking part in the “fight” for the free electrons inside the body. One of the mechanisms which start polymerization can be connected to the presence of Fe2 and hyperoxid (Fenton reaction).
Fe2+ + H2O2 = Fe3+ + OH- + OH*
The created radicals start the polymerization of the water.
Water polymers have a special characteristic, the modification velocity of the polymers changes when irradiated with external frequency (sound, light). When exposed to light the spontaneous vibration frequence of the polymer increases. The evaluation of this phenomenon goes a long way and is present in the explanation of the effect of other therapies too, like sound, laser, infrared radiation, infrasound, Tibetan bells, magnetic therapy and mobile phones.
The water clusters explain the physical characteristics of the water, like the special surface tension, wherein due to the van der Waals energies the surface of the liquid can be pressured to some degree, the inwardly energy of the surface molecules exceed the outwardly forces caused by the movement of the molecules. This does not only have significance in case of water striders, but also in the penetration of substances in liquids through the surface of the skin, in this case the transport of dissolved oxygen into the body.
Researches separate the biological water (within the cell) from other water. The dipole structure of the water allows the bonding of hydrophile and hydrophobe proteins (macromolecules) within the cell, establishing enzyme reactions.
Kaqun water contains 18-20 mg oxygen per litre, which is 6-8 times more then the average oxygen content. The oxygen retention capacity of the water is such that the oxygen content of Kaqun water left in the open for 5 days decreases by 6.5% only-
Oxygen. Oxygen is the other corner stone of life, besides water. There is no life without oxygen, oxygen is such a nutrient to cells, which is a terminal electron acceptor in oxidative phosphorylation, but oxygen is also a very strong poison, and the body is only able to balance the effect of oxygen through a very complex regulating (redox) system. In an environment where there is a shortage or an excess of oxygen there is a change in the functioning of many cells.
The treatment with oxygen dissolved in water was developed by a German professor, Otto Warburg for the supplementary treatment of patients suffering from silicosis. By now it is well known that oxygen dissolved in water in suitable form improves the oxygen supply of the tissues, first of all naturally around the entry-absorption site (skin, alimentary tract, liver), but due to the stability of the clusters it reaches further by the blood. Tests carried out in different tumour cell lines showed a 50-100% decrease in the number of tumour cells. The effect is not linear with the oxygen concentration, and is only present in Kaqun water, and not in boiled water (boiling breaks down the cluster structure).
In today’s oxygen treatment the hyperbaric oxygen therapy is similar to the Kaqun water. Good results can be reached with long-term treatment in case of skin ulcers, people with carbon monoxide poisoning. During the treatment we can see through indicators the decrease of oxidative stress and inflammation. One side-effect of the hyperbaric oxygen therapy, spontaneous fracture does not occur in case of water treatments. Tissue hypoxia plays a role in the development of stroke, myocardial heart attack, diabetes and tumors.
The growth of tumour cells accelerates under a partial oxygen pressure of 7 Hgmm. When the level of oxygen falls below 2.5 Hgmm, the tumour cells loose their sensitivity to radiation, cytostaticum, and photodynamic treatment. During the measurement of tumor oxygenation it became proven that low (5-20 Hgmm partial pressure) significantly increases when inhaling high oxygen content air mixture. On the periphery of the tumor this can reach up to 160 Hgmm, while on the interior of the tumor 40-60 Hgmm (Kenneth 2007).
During the examination we were getting results that mice were put from hypoxic atmosphere to normal oxygen concentration (from 10% to 21%) the rate of
lymphoma development increased. In the case of Kaqun water – as we saw it – other processes are dominating.
Effects on free radicals, effects of oxidative stress
The oxygen in the body plays a very important electron-transfer role. The process: O’-> O2 ->O3 -> OH- ->H2O2 ->H2nOn
Cellular metabolism contain predominantly such redox processes, where even under physiological conditions oxygen with strong oxidative properties (Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS), nitrogen (Reactive Nitrogen Species, RNS) substances. They include free radicals with one or more unpaired electrons on their external electron shell, such as hydroxyl radical, superoxide radical, nitric oxid radical, lipid peroxyl radical; and molecules with highly reactive properties, such as hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorous acid. Due to the Kaqun water, the amount of free radicals in the body increases, which start biological processes representing dangerous signals for the body.
Though free radicals and reactive compounds play an important role as necessary signals in a given concentration and location for the physiological functioning of the cell (Droge, 2002). Thanks to their great reactive properties, they play a regulatory role in the signal transduction pathways, since getting into interaction with signalling molecules or enzyme proteins they can influence their functions.
Nowadays more and more studies confirm the signalling role of the redox system. The redox signal triggers specific regulatory processes (e.g. apoptosis at cellular level, vasodilation at tissue level, etc.). Redox processes have a role and place in the operation of the body, they can’t be considered as clearly negative participants, although they play a role in many lesions and diseases. Nowadays the regulatory role of free radicals is considered more primary as their pathological role, which is not about free radicals, but about the pathology, exhaustion of the body’s control system. The oxygen molecule is not dangerous, but during transformation with electron uptake free radicals are developed and these have harmful effects as well.
The life span of free radicals in vivo 10-7, 10-4 sec which enables them to act as signals and exert their effects not only at the place of creation but further away as well. The physiological location of the creation and control of free radicals is in the cell mitochondrion. Here the continuously created free radicals are neutralized by the superoxide dismutase enzyme. In the presence of iron or copper ions it is very aggressive. OH radical is created, which stays for 10-9 sec. No enzyme is able neutralize this (Fenton-reaction). As we have seen it, this reaction also has a role in water polymerization. The control of the body takes place in the earlier, peroxide phase.
Should the balance of the pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant system be upset degenerative diseases begin; this is called oxidative stress.
The living cells, as electrical systems continuously create and maintain an extreme, complex, 3-dimensional electric, i.e. redox pattern. The most efficient and quick physiological (and pathological) control is done by reactive oxygen and nitrogen derivatives. In the aerob cells the coordinated mitochondrial network consumes 90% of the oxygen used, securing the energy provided by ATP for cellular processes. This dynamic mitochondrial energy and the redox system change from moment-to-moment depending on the intra- and extracellular signs. When the oxygen is few compared to the current energy demand of the cell (reduced oxygen supply or increased energy demand) the coordinated intracellular mitochondrial network issues a hypoxic redox signal with the increased ROS emittance. The increased ROS emittance, as a secondary messenger system induces a coordinated complex response with redox-sensitive factors and molecules.
The oxidative processes in the body are bound to two compounds, ROS and RNS group. The RNS enzyme has three different isoforms. The neuronal nRNS (in central and peripheral neurons) and endothelial eRNS (mainly in endothelial cells) which are continuously expressed calcium- and calmodulin dependant enzymes. The inducible iRNS are created in immune cells and several other cell types. The transcriptional activation of iRNS can be caused by endogenous mediators (chemokines, cytokines) or exogenous factors (bacterial toxins, viral infections, allergens, ozone, hypoxia, tumors etc.)
The ROS effects in the signal transduction pathways can be divided into 4 main groups (Waldeck et al., 2009.):
- enhancing the IC-concentration of certain ions (e.g. Ca2+) triggers contraction and cell migration
- activating certain transcription factors (AP-1, NFκB, HIF-1) induces inflammation
- the matrix affecting metalloproteinase can modify the proteins of the extracellular matrix;
- reversibly inactivates such protein tyrosine-phosphatase such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) which represent an important signal transduction pathway ultimately activate transcription factors (e.g. c-myc, p38) which regulate apoptosis, cell growth and differentiation
The phagocyte enhancing effect of Kaqun water can be lead to the increased creation of free radicals, their main source is the NADPH oxidase (NOX). The superoxide-anion radical has an important defensive role in destroying pathogens which are created in large quantities towards the extracellular field. In the macrophage cells, the NADPH-oxidase as membrane-bound enzyme.
The mitochondrion’s role
The mitochondrion is the energy-creating organ of the cell, oxygen consumption and thus, free electron production.
The mitochondrion plays an important role, through Ca2+ metabolism to release the signal for starting apoptosis or cell growth. In the mitochondrion both the ROS and NOS system are present. The main igniters of mitochondrial ROS production are the inner membrane potential, Ca2+, O tension, NO and nutrient availability.
This ROS/RNS induced and regulated responses can influence gene expression, apoptosis, cell growth, cell adhesion, chemotaxis, protein-protein interactions, enzymatic functions, angiogenesis, immune processes, inflammatory
processes, Ca2+ homeostasis, ion channels and many other processes. During hyperbaric oxygen therapy the increase in the NO level showed paralellism with the healing rate of chronic ulcers.
Within experimental conditions, in the course of in vitro tests maximum reactive oxygen radical concentration in oxygenated Kaqun water can be achieved in 10 seconds. This reaction occurs in the same way in the cell system too, as both the generation of peroxidase from molecular oxygen and the oxidation of the substrate take place in the cell wall while reactive oxygen is produced. NADH also participates in the reaction. When the system is sound, the processes are in equilibrium. It is known that the absence of reactive oxygen radicals is just as problematic as their overproduction, which causes oxidative stress. The very fast increase of reactive oxygen measured in the in-vitro system supports the assumption that the feeding of oxygenated water in the required quantities will lead to the fast production of larger quantities of OH radicals in the Fenton (Haber-Weiss) reaction also within in-vitro circumstances. It is a known fact that the intracellular state, the reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) play an important role in apoptosis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are important signal systems in the intra and intercellular communication and in the conservation of the redox-homeostasis. This ROS/RNS induced and regulated response is able to influence gene expression, apoptosis, cell growth, cell adhesion, chemotaxis, protein–protein interactions and the enzymatic functions, angiogenesis, immune processes, inflammation processes, Ca2+ homeostasis, ion channels and many other processes.
The appearance of ROS in the lymphoid cells activates a transcription enzyme, which is an important factor in the cellular level oxidative stress. The ROS and RNS activation in the cell influence the degradation of incorrectly winded protein molecules, affects the operation of phospholipids and these materials are also important elements in signal creation as well.
The role of free radicals in the nervous system
ROS and RNS also operate as a signal for the nervous system, they have a role in the neural signalling processes, in the development of nervous system plasticity and memory. The NO is such a free radical molecule which is able to freeéy diffundate through the cell membrane and can act as a neurotransmitter,
neuromodulator and signalling molecule. It regulates neurotransmitter emission and through this way the synaptic activity and can regulate the excitability of midbrain dopamine neurons. However, neurotransmitters also have antioxidant and free radical catching properties, thus they regulate neurotransmission and the protective effects toward neurons.
The intake of Kaqun water creates a reactive radical peak (–√OH, O2− and H2O2) at the moment of consumption which with the above mechanism enhances the effect of free radicals and apoptosis, as well as the stimulation of the immune system on the one hand, and also provokes the body’s own anti-oxidant system. This wave of reactive radical production represents a strong apoptotic stimulus.
The body’s protection against oxidative stress is represented on three levels:
1. Antioxidant enzymes
2. Endogenous non-enzymatic antioxidant
3. Exogenous antioxidants (taken with food). It should be noted that the trace elements do not possess antioxidant effects, but also necessary for building the antioxidant enzymes of the body.
This is one of many and repeated proofs that there is a dynamic equilibrium in the body, and with our therapy, we must achieve the conservation of this equilibrium, therefore the one-sided blocking treatment may not be expedient.
Role of alkaline effect
Kaqun water is slightly alkaline, ph 7.6-8. The chemical effect on the inside of the cell is slightly acidic, the intracellular field slightly alkaline. The metabolites of the body are basically acidic which are excreted through kidneys, feces and skin.
Urine: between 4.5-8.5, depending on diet
Stool: 5.5, depending on diet
Sweat-skin: 4.5-5.5
The body also uses breathing (reduction of CO2 levels) and body fat to expel the unnecessary acidic substances. One task of the body fat is to store the acidic metabolites.
The consumption of slightly alkaline Kaqun water promotes the neutralization of the created acidic substances, and during bath by neutralizing the acids on the skin to increase their excretion. The viability of tumor cells decrease in alkaline medium.
Results of other measurements with Kaqun water:
1. Muscular power increased after drinking water. Reaction time decreases by several msecs. This measurement showed the increase in the performance of the muscular system due to the consumption of Kaqun water.
2. The oxygen saturation of the blood increased by 1.2% after drinking water. The average cardiac stress measured with the Vocardio device decreased from 22 to 16 (improved), the pulse rate decreased. This measurement shows the reaction capacity of the cardiac muscles to load. Blood pressure decreased by 2%, the result of the Rosenberg test improved. (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences)
3. Cardio-vascular diseases (tests of Dr. György Zeltner):
a. In the case of patients suffering from angina the need of taking nitrates decreased in 75% of the cases, while 41% stopped taking nitrates altogether.
b. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the rhythm became normal.
c. TIA, VBI improved by 80% after drinking water
d. In the case of peripheral obliterative vascular disease walking distance increased by 85% and for 25% of leg ulcers were also cured.
e. 60% of varicose leg ulcers were cured during Kaqun bath.
4. Kaqun water bath has the effect of improving skin diseases (virus, bacteria, fungus), and ulcers (varicose, angiostenotic, diabetic) improve or disappear completely. Verruca seborhoica flattens, their numbers decrease.
5. In the case of traumatic injuries epithelisation accelerates, burnt skin (radiation, thermal burns) heals without or with minimal scarring.
6. In the case of severe physical load Kaqun water decreases fatigue (long distance driving)
Kaqun water is used/applied in three forms.
1. Consumption of Kaqun water; in the case of preventive and conservation treatment the dose should be ½ l per day, in the case of therapy 1.5 l per day distributed throughout the day. In this case, the effect will become apparent after absorption in the alimentary tract, and the treatment is used in the case of diseases of internal organs, organs further from the skin and diseases of the alimentary tract.
2. Bathing in Kaqun water. The duration of the bath should be 50 minutes, 1-3 baths can be taken per day depending on the seriousness of the disease. It is recommended principally for diseases connoted with the skin or close to it but it is useful in other cases too. The duration of the bath cure should be two weeks, which can be continued after a pause. This should be determined according to the condition of the patient and the speed of healing
3. The use of oxy gel, which ensures long-term oxygen effect in the case of ulcers.
Availability of the treatment:
The Kaqun treatment site operates at the basement of the Semmelweis Hospital surgery. Appointment: 06-20-2056789. Professional questions: Dr. Zoltán Hegedűs
1. G. N. I. Clark, C. D. Cappa, J. D. Smith, R. J. Saykally, T. Head-Gordon The Structure of Ambient Water, J. Mol. Phys 108, 1415-1433 (2010)
2. Dr. Tóth József „Az oxigenizáció hatása a daganatok biológiai viselkedésére”. Orvosi Hetilap 2007 július 1415-1420.
3. Dröge W. Free Radicals in the Physiological Control of Cell Function. Physiol Rev 2002 82: 47-95
4. Vallance P, Leiper J. Blocking NO synthesis: how, where and why? Nat Rev Drug Discov 2002 1: 939-950.
5. José M. Matés, Francisca M. Sánchez-Jiménez; Role of reactive oxygen species in apoptosis: implications for cancer therapy. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell BiologyVolume 32, Issue 2, February 2000, Pages 157-170
6. Ho Joong Sung., Wenzhe Ma., Matthew F. Starost: Ambient Oxygen Promotes Tumori-genesis. PLoS ONE | May 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 5 | e19785
7. Despa F. Biological water: Its vital role in macromolecular structure and function. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Dec;1066:1-11.
8. Waldeck, W., Mueller, G., Wiessler, M., Brom, M., Toth K., Braun, K.: Autofluorescent proteins as photosensitizer in eukaryotes. . Int. J. Med. Sci.,2009., 6., 365-373.
9. Droge, W.: Free radicals in the physiological control of cell function. Physol. Rev.,2002., 82., 47-95.
10. Kenneth A. Krohn, Jeanne M. Link, and Ralph P. Mason: Molecular Imaging of Hypoxia J Nucl Med 2008; 49:129S–148S DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.107.045914
11. Sarma R, Angeles-Boza AM, Brinkley DW, Roth: Studies of the di-iron(VI) Intermediate in ferrate-dependent oxygen evolution from water. J Am Chem Soc. 2012 Sep 19;134(37):15371-86. Epub 2012 Sep 5.
Call us if you want to test your telomere length. We have a few kits available for the test which is currently considered the best available. The test is run in Europe at Marie Blasco's lab and will identify the relative amounts of short and longer telomeres. Other tests available will only report an average telomere length. This is important because the short telomeres will be those of most concern. Getting an average number can hide some of the information. Ask for Carol to give you more details.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Take Charge of Your Health
Carol is co-hosting Take Charge of Your Health with Corinne Furnari at in New York City. You can listen live on your computer Fridays from 1-2 pm or look for past weeks in the archives. Today, she and Corinne interviewed Dr. Nick Gonzalez one more time. Dr. Gonzalez has been using cancer treatments initiated by Dr. William Donald Kelly. His procedures have been very helpful, particularly with pancreatic cancer.
Carol and Donn (Gaudin) visited Dr. Kelly in his Withrow, TX home before he died. He didn't die from pancreatic cancer as he had overcome in his earlier years.
Dr. Gonzalez answers the question this week of "If it is so good, why isn't everybody doing it?"
Carol and Donn (Gaudin) visited Dr. Kelly in his Withrow, TX home before he died. He didn't die from pancreatic cancer as he had overcome in his earlier years.
Dr. Gonzalez answers the question this week of "If it is so good, why isn't everybody doing it?"
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Mg-Pro - Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequencies
Check out this video posted by Dr. Dale Guyer's office in Indianapolis. Mg-Pro treatments are available at CCIHS.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Product B available at CCIHS!
Gabriel Cousens M.D.,
In my forty years of clinical experience, working with a variety of
products, nutraceuticals , supplements, herbs, and a variety of technologies, I
have never seen or experienced anything like Product B. It appears to be truly
the breakthrough into a new era. Research has been done throughout the world
for centuries to find the secret of youth. Product B represents what may be that
secret to youth. I like to call it Product Brilliant. This addresses the
rebuilding of the foundation of our physical existence. To truly understand what
I am talking about I need to refer to the research that has been done on
Maria A. Blasco, director of the Telomere and Telomerase Research
Group at the Centra Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas, in essence says it
bluntly, “Human beings born with shorter telomeres due to telomere mutations
live shorter lives.” This is the condition in the world today because of
external environmental conditions, lifestyles, and diet. Before we get into
that, let’s look at the terms telomere
and telomerase.
Telomeres form, in essence, the tip of the chromosome. They are like
the plastic end of a shoelace that holds the fibers of the shoelace together.
Telomeres are essential for protecting the chromosomes from degrading during
their replication process known as fusion and recombination. Telomeres are 7-10
Kb in length and are made of repeated DNA sequences which are comprised of
thousands of replications of a particular nucleotide ( building blocks of the
DNA) sequence called TTAGGG ( each letter stands for a particular nucleotide)
that are unique in the genome. They serve as a foundation point for a group of
proteins called sheltrins whose role is to protect the telomere. The telomeric
DNA gene sequences are shortened with each cell division. That means that with
age, as our cells continue to divide, with each division the telomeres continue
to shorten. As the telomeres shorten, the sheltrins are unable to attach to the
chromosome to protect them. As this degeneration happens the organism ages.
That is really the key to understanding a little bit of what goes on. It
appears that when the telomere base sequence become less than 5000 the gene
expression is severely compromised and we have accelerated cell aging and cell
death. Shortened telomeres, when they reach a certain length, disorganize the
DNA structure and function. The shortened telomeres create chromosome breakage
and then chromosome rearrangement, and ultimately this essentially leads to
enhanced cell death and/or the potential of cancer with aging. The longer the
telomere is, the more effective is gene expression. When telomeres shorten gene
expression becomes compromised. When shortened telomeres are lengthened,
gene expression is immediately improved and health returns. In other words,
when you lengthened the shortened telomeres you activate diminished gene
function in the continuum back to optimal.
Telomerase is an enzyme that lengthens telomeres. Specifically,
research has shown that the expression of the telomerase gene in aging cells
which have shortened telomeres have been shown to produce an increase in
telomere length and also gene function associated with younger cells. The
induction of telomerase activity seems to have the effect of re-adding
telomeric sequences (TTAGGG) back to the telomeres, which not only increases the
telomere length but also increases the cell ability to replicate. The cells
with previous shortened telomeres, called senescent cells (cells no longer
dividing and growing), gain the ability to again proliferate, and no longer
function as dead and dying cells, and participate as part of repaired tissue.
Product B has been shown to lengthen the telomeres. It is theorized that it activates what we call promoters, which
activate the transcription action. This increases the production of
telomerase and RNA. This has not been proven yet, but is part of a general
theoretical understanding of the situation. It has been proven, however, that
in vitro (meaning cells in a petri dish), Product B activates telomerase in less
than 24 hours. There are some preliminary suggestions that this may also be
true in vivo. At the end of this discussion, aging is associated with
shortened telomeres, and youthing is associated with increasing the telomere
The lifestyle I promote, (including eating a low-glycemic, 80-100%
live-food, plant-source diet; meditation; time in nature; being in loving
relationships; and living productively and fastidiously), slows telomere
shortening. These lifestyle practices do not, however, reverse telomere
shortening, but by slowing the shortening we are able to prolong longer
qualities of extraordinary, enduring, radiant health.
Product B works on a different principle. It appears to reverse
telomere shortening. This is the breakthrough. It is in this way it is the
fountain of youth in a capsule.
In the research I’ve seen, Product B has been shown to specifically increase
the length of the shortened telomeres, which can happen quickly. In vitro, this
may happen in less than 24 hours. Remarkably, within a few weeks, or even a day
or two people seem to have dramatically positive rejuvenative responses to
Product B. It doesn’t increase the overall average length of the telomeres in
one year. Instead it increases the average length of the shorter telomeres, which
are most needed to bring the cells back into healthy function. It is only
when a telomere is short that it moves into dysfunctional gene expression and
therefore aging. It appears from the dramatic anecdotal stories at this
point that this is happening quickly.
According to Maria Blasco, PhD. humans today are being born with
shorter telomeres due to mutations in the telomerase. Therefore, they live
shorter lives. This often occurs due to the premature loss of what we
clinically refer to as tissue regenerative capacity. What we are seeing is that
telomere length is a predictor of the rate of mortality. The longer your
telomeres at birth, the longer you are likely to live depending upon your
lifestyle. The shorter your telomeres are when you are born, the shorter you
are likely to live, depending on your lifestyle. Some research has shown that
with the emotional and mental stress of the mother there actually is a
shortening of telomeres in the fetus. Also stress, sleep deprivation,
depression, and anxiety all generally tend to shorten telomeres. When we
reverse this we are seeing research showing that even the average 10-year old
today has telomeres short enough to take 10 years off their life, as compared
to earlier generations. Anecdotal stories suggest that even 8-year old children
given Product B all function with improved, particularly cognitive, function. Until
I heard this I thought this should only happen in older people. It is sad to
think that our youth today are suffering
from a shortage of telomeres. In my Conscious Eating teaching and in general, I
teach that a consistent degenerative lifestyle and diet will lead to
progressive degeneration in each subsequent generation. This is consistent with
the findings.
There is also some illuminating cancer research by Peter Willet, MD,
Johann Willet, MD, et. al, and published in JAMA in 2010, on telomeres, which
came to the conclusion that telomeres are essential to preserve the integrity
of the genome and critically shortened telomeres lead to replicative cell senescence
and chromosomal instability and could therefore lead to cancer. That was their
theory. Their research was to determine baseline telomere length and incident
cancer mortality. They found a statistically significant inverse
relationship between telomere length and cancer incidence and mortality.
Those with the shortest telomeres were more likely to die from cancer. At critically short telomere lengths, cells
experience replicative cell senescence. Short telomeres and concurrent
chromosomal instability from the short telomeres contributed to malignant cell
transformation. In conclusion studies showed that short telomeres were associated
with enhanced cancer, and the shorter the telomere, the more likely the cancer
would be fatal.
So what do we do with these dramatic associations? According to
Maria Blasco it is possible to modify an organism’s longevity by genetic
alterations. She has seen this in a
range of organisms from C. elegans to
mice. This hasn’t been proven in humans at this point, but we have animal
studies that support this point. Blasco points out that the length of the
telomeres is also associated with the amount of telomerase available in the
cell. In essence she says that the absence of telomerase leads to a progressive
shortening of the telomeres. Critically shortened telomeres mean that stem
cells lose their ability to regenerate tissues, which then leads to
degenerative pathology. Particularly interesting is Blasco’s statement that
in vivo (cells in a culture dish) that adding telomerase immortalizes human
cell types. The clear theoretical conclusion is that turning on telomerase
production in the cells will allow us to decrease cell aging and the pathology
associated with this process. In other words, activating telomerase would
allow us to reduce telomere shortening and thus enhance the capacity of the
tissues to continue to be healthy and delay aging. In vivo experiments,
telomerase immortalizes the majority of human cell types. In experiments using
mice they found that increasing telomerase activity caused mice to live about
40% longer than normal. This supports the trend of information of what I am
talking about. Please keep in mind that Product B has not been proven to
increase telomerase. It has been shown, however, to lengthen shortened
telomeres. All this is nice theoretically.
Human anecdotal stories to support the research findings are helpful
in suggesting trends. However, anecdotal is not the same as experimental proof
and should not be used that way. An anecdotal statement is very different than
a clinical study. Clinical studies have yet to be done to prove the hypothesis
that Product B is creating telomerase and thereby lengthening telomeres. We do
see some dramatic anecdotes that excite me much. I’ve reviewed many of these
anecdotal stories. I now will share some of these to support my present
position on Product B.
A man named Gary M. from Brisbane writes that over 40 years earlier
he had dislocated two fingers playing football and he could not bend them
without pain. Thirty-five years ago he dislocated his knee, and that it clicked
when he walked; it sometimes wouldn’t work right and he would fall down. Five
days after beginning Product B he was able to bend his fingers without pain. At
7 days he began to sleep through the night for the first time in years. (The
better and deeper sleep experience is a very common one.) On day 8 he noticed
an improvement in eyesight, and on day 11 he noticed the clicking in his knee
had stopped.
Many of the stories involved much improved clarity of mind. For
example, from Gold Coast, Australia there was a client that wrote saying that
after 14 days on Product B that she noticed “a remarkable change in my
alertness, clarity of mind, and an overall feeling of wellbeing, and even some
improvement in tinnitus”.
An 81-year old Oklahoma cowboy, who over the years suffered a broken
collarbone, ribs, torn rotator cuff, and knee replacement. As he said “hurting
was his way of life”. At 81 he was still try to compete in the select world
cutting competition. He had a back operation and was trying to ready for this
competition. He had his surgery in May and 3 months later in August (after
taking Product B beginning in August) he reported sleeping through the night,
reduced ankle swelling (he could see his anklebone that he had been unable to
see for years due to his condition), he was able to mount his horse, compete,
and even do well. That is pretty dramatic.
A 79 year old women from N. California with severe Alzheimer’s who
could not even put on her own make-up, communicate verbally with her daughter,
or even watch TV with comprehension was able after 3 weeks on Product B can now
put her own make-up on, communicate with her daughter over Skype, and now even
remember her prayer over meals. This is unquestionably a dramatic and rapid
improvement of Alzheimer’s.
A Hall of Fame boxing broadcaster named Colonel Bob Sheridan, in an
interview, incidentally mentioned that he was given Product B by his wife and
that he felt a complete health transformation. His diabetes disappeared. His
high blood pressure disappeared. His
heart function improved. His joint pain improved. His eyesight improved. His
hair began to thicken. He regained his mental acuity and lost 180 pounds. Incidentally,
it is too soon to say that Product B heals diabetes, but I have seen a variety
of people lower their fasting blood sugar with Product B. I plan to do research
on this topic specifically in the future, and have been in discussion with the co-developers of Product B: Dr. Bill Andrews and John Anderson,
founder of Isagenix (the company that produces Product B), who have both spent
hours with me discussing this topic.
Another person who defines herself as “older” named Katherine S.
noted that she’d worn glasses since age 21. Now her eyesight has improved. She
can read and write text messages and emails on her mobile phone without
glasses. Her arthritic pain vanished. Incidentally there is a dramatic amount
of people with chronic pain, which completely disappears in as little as 24
hours to 3 weeks. She also reported excess weight loss, more energy, her depression
disappeared, as well as her migraines are now gone. She has become more
mentally alert, and her chronic pain, which kept her awake at night, is also
Bob P. from Tasmania cited more energy and all aches and pains have
A 63-year old man having a series of broken bones and joints and
living in chronic pain really became pain free in just 6 days.
There are many more of these impressive anecdotal stories. The
consistency of all this is what impresses me. What I see in the overall
statement are that there are certain really key areas where there is major
improvement. When I sum up the many anecdotal statements, I see:
1) Increased clarity and brain power, cognition and memory, better
mental focus, and increased inner peace
2) Increased endurance, energy, and strength, with some claiming up
to 25% more;
3) Major relief from chronic pain and inflammation and joint pain,
which seems quite dramatic;
4) Skin changes, including the reversal of liver spots on the hands;
5) Hair and nail growth, with some accounts of hair darkening;
6) Reversal of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms;
7) Improved digestion and bowel function (Apparently the lining in
the small and large intestines, which is generally very regenerative is quite
improved with Product B.)
8. Consistent pattern of reduced blood sugars toward normal
9. A consistent improvement in the depth and quality of sleep
One of the most interesting and exciting areas is in the domain of
Alzheimer’s disease. This is particularly important, as our lifestyle and
environment have accelerated the rates of Alzheimer’s even as early as age 35.
They have found that people with Alzheimer’s who have shortened brain cell
telomeres do seem to respond dramatically. These include the astrocyte, swan,
and glial cells. Some anecdotal stories include dramatic reversal of
Alzheimer’s in a few weeks. The animal research supports this too. Researchers
have 100% reversal of Alzheimer’s in dogs. I’m not choosing to give the exact dosages
that have been reported here, but general dose is 2-3 capsules twice daily, and
with Alzheimer’s it is double or triple that dose. From the existing research
and anecdotal information there appears to be no side effects or
contraindications in using product B at this level of dosage or any level.
As I grasp the meaning of this, I am seeing some correlations
between the improvements brought on by Product B and the ancient Chinese
medical quest for ways to strengthen pre-natal jing. In Chinese Medicine we
have the Three Treasures. These are shen (spirit), chi (daily life-force), and
jing (primordial life-force essence), which determines overall reserve
vitality, longevity potential and “DNA Strength”. Jing is regarded as pre-natal
and post-natal. With proper lifestyle and live-food diet, people may repair and
strengthen post-natal jing. I believe that Product B may be able to
consistently build prenatal jing. Up until now, this is unheard of except
in the very rare cases. In Ayurveda, however, we have an ancient process called
kaya kalpa, which has been shown to do this. For unique spiritual individuals
with strong meditative abilities one may undergo certain disciplines that can
stop aging or reverse aging. This is not available to laypeople, but, yes, this
can be accomplished. People have been reported to grow new teeth, new hair, and
regenerate. The life of Tapasviji Maharaj, who lived to be 186 years old into
the 20th Century, was a documentation of this process. It is very difficult
to find people in India who can guide others through this process. It is in
essence inaccessible.
The point is that it can be done. One can rebuild the prenatal
jing. With Product B it may now be available to common people on a mass
level. This sets the stage for an epic transformation in our society. I am
excited about this possibility as a researcher in this area. This possibility
is not yet proven. It took 30 years to prove smoking causes cancer. The real
question is should we wait until all the research is in, or should we take
advantage of something that will improve the quality of our lives with no risks
or toxicity?
I am presently taking Product B as part of my self-research and have seen some
nice changes on many of these levels. Quantitatively, in 4 weeks, I have gone
from 10 pull-ups to 24. This is more than I have ever done in my life at any
age. There appears to be no risk or toxicity involved. The components of
Product B are special proprietary extractions from common substances. These
extractions have been shown in vitro to activate and lengthen telomeres. I’m
glad to share this dramatic and exciting material with you. Blessings to your enduring health and spirit,
Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD (H), DD, Dip. American Board of Holistic Medicine, Dip. Ayurveda
Contact Carol 416-922-0006 if you are interested!
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