Monday, December 2, 2013

PEMF - the Element of Health

PEMF-The Fifth Element of Health: Learn Why Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy Supercharges Your Health Like Nothing Else! [Kindle Edition]

Bryant A. Meyers

Why are we so excited by the PEMF?   We researched for a long time before we decided to get the model manufactured by Pulsed Power.  The book, as referenced above, is stunning.  It is a thorough history and explanation of why these pulsing fields are so important.   Basically, individual cells get to absorb nutrients better and detoxify better if they are able to take up this external voltage.  It can enhance any other treatment, ensure better use of the nutrients you absorb from supplements and food.   We have added the opportunity for short 15 minute sessions.   Our model provides 8 coils in the pads and 2 additional coils for concentrated use.    We are using it with great frequency for Donn.   Dr. Martin Milner, in Portland, Oregon relates a patient study in the Townsend Newsletter  which demonstrated a complete remission of her congestive heart disease.  

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Testing Kaqun Energy at the Whole Life Expo

We took this picture at the Whole Life Expo.  This is a  pendulum whirling around of its own accord ferociously as we watched.   He tested a few other things around with absolutely no energy to compare.  We were impressed!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kaqun water is now available. Meet us at the Whole Life Expo

 Kaqun!    is what’s new at the Canadian Centre!

Kaqun water has arrived and is available for purchase and pick up at the Centre now.  Go to  to learn why we are so excited about making this available to Canada.   A single bottle 1.5 liter is $20 and the 6 pack is $99.  A single bottle will supply 30,000 mg of oxygen!   You can also order the water on the website and have it delivered to your home.  Refer a friend and you can earn $20 on their first 6 pack. 

And you can visit with us about the benefits of drinking Kaqun water at the Whole Life Expo.  Check this link for exhibit hall map and schedules 

We will also be doing a presentation on Sunday, November 24, 2013 at the Toronto Convention Center.  Here is a quick preview:  

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
with Dr. Thomas Janossy, DVSc and Carol Petersen RPh, CNP 
Ten clinical studies and over ten thousand individuals (from 42 countries) are proving the benefits of drinking and bathing in super-oxygenated Kaqun water for anti-aging, sporting, mental performance, and many conditions where oxygen plays a supportive role. Now the technology has come to Canada. Kaqun water is manufactured by a unique electrolysis process, creating the most oxygenated water with the most stable (never before available) oxygen clusters (O16, O32, O64, etc.). 

Available afterward and throughout the weekend at KAQUN.CA booth 77.

Canadian Centre for Integrated Health Studies in the heart of Cabbagetown
30 Sword St, Toronto, ON M5A 3N2   416-922-0006

Donn Gaudin, PhD, Dr. Med.  Founder 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

More Information on Kaqun!

Dr. Iván Szalkai:
Functional waters – the Kaqun water

Nowadays we hear with increasing frequency about therapeutic products, or agents claimed to be special, „miraculous”. These wonderworking agents often fail in scientific verification tests, however the explanation of their effect can often be found in areas with which we doctors are less familiar. For a long time this was the case with oxygen water. One of the reasons for the lack of explanation was the mechanism of producing oxygen water, as it is possible to find water, which was simply charged with oxygen – with a technology similar to soda water, where CO2 gas is absorbed by the water. There is also the water treated with ozone; but characteristically, in this case when the pressure decreases oxygen will soon be discharged from the water therefore it is impossible to detect its effect.
However, methods have been developed recently which change the structure of the water and thus it became possible to increase the oxygen content of the water for long periods.
But what really is water? We know it, we drink it, and it flows from the tap and is slowly becoming one of the most valuable assets. We are used to water being here for us; there is no life without it, and it is a significant component of the biologic structures. We know that its structure is H2O. We know that it freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees, and one of its specificities is that it is denser in 4 degrees than at 0 degrees, (did we ever wonder why?).

However, comparing it with other, similar molecules containing 2 H atoms (H2S, H2Se, H2Te), we find that based on its molecular weight it should boil at -100 degrees. The structure of the water, which is called cluster, is responsible for this phenomenon. The formula of the water is not H2O, but H2nOn. Its basic structure is tetrahedron (4-water molecules form the structure H8O4). These tetrahedrons make up the clusters consisting of several hundred molecules. Liquid water contains individual molecules as well as small and large clusters. These formations can store other molecules inside their inner space and then slowly release them. Compared to the biochemical processes these clusters remain stable for long (msec) periods. Depending on how the dipole structured water molecules are aligned on the external shell of the cluster, they can have + or – charge, that is they are either acid or alkali. Whether the cluster can penetrate the cell membrane or it remains in the intercellular space depends on its size. Small clusters can penetrate the cell wall. The water without clusters is considered „dead” water. The speciality of kaqun water is that in the course of the structural change oxygen atoms are freed from their bonds and are stored inside the small clusters, and the large clusters break down to sizes still able to retain the oxygen within them but are also able to penetrate the cell membrane.
The other form of the water is not the spherical cluster but the strand shaped polymer structure. This structure is able to string up the ring shaped molecules enabling chemical reaction, „exchange of information” to take place between them. The exchange of information between cells has been discovered as the result of research carried out in the last decades and can be connected to the biophotons. These photons are released in the course of chemical reactions and affect the way the cells function.
Water polymers have a special characteristic, the modification velocity of the polymers changes when irradiated with external frequency (sound, light). The evaluation of this phenomenon goes a long way and is present in the explanation of the effect of other therapies too.
Oxygen. Oxygen is the other corner stone of life, besides water. There is no life without oxygen, but oxygen is also a very strong poison, and the body is only able to balance the effect of oxygen through a very complex regulating (redox) system. Should the balance of the pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant system be upset degenerative diseases begin; this is called oxidative stress. In an environment where there is a shortage or an excess of oxygen there is a change in the functioning of many cells. The growth of tumour cells accelerates at a partial oxygen pressure of 7 Hgmm. When the level of oxygen falls below 2.5 Hgmm, the tumour cells loose their sensitivity to radiation, cytostaticum, and photodynamic treatment.
Kaqun water contains 18-20 mg oxygen per litre, which is 6-8 times more then the average oxygen content. The oxygen retention capacity of the water is such that the oxygen content of kaqun water left in the open for 5 days decreases by 6.5% only-
Within experimental conditions, in the course of in vitro tests maximum reactive oxygen radical concentration in oxygenated kaqun water can be achieved in 10 seconds. This reaction occurs in the same way in the cell system too, as both the generation of peroxidase from molecular oxygen and the oxidation of the substrate take place in the cell wall while reactive oxygen is produced. NADH also participates in the reaction. When the system is sound, the processes are in equilibrium. It is known that the absence of reactive oxygen radicals is just as problematic as their overproduction, which causes oxidative stress. The very fast increase of reactive oxygen measured in the in-vitro system supports the assumption that the feeding of oxygenated water in the required quantities will lead to the fast production of larger quantities of OH radicals in the Fenton (Haber-Weiss) reaction also within in-vitro circumstances. It is a known fact that the intracellular state, the reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) play an important role in apoptosis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are important signal systems in the intra and intercellular communication and in the conservation of the redox-homeostasis. This ROS/RNS induced and regulated response is able to influence gene expression, apoptosis, cell growth, cell adhesion, chemotaxis, protein–protein interactions and the enzymatic functions, angiogenesis, immune processes, inflammation processes, Ca2+ homeostasis, ion channels and many other processes.
The intake of kaqun water creates a reactive radical peak (–√OH, O2 and H2O2) at the moment of consumption which with the above mechanism enhances the effect of free radicals and apoptosis, as well as the stimulation of the immune system on the one hand, and also provokes the body’s own anti-oxidant system. This wave of reactive radical production represents a strong apoptotic stimulus.
This is one of many and repeated proofs that there is a dynamic equilibrium in the body, and with our therapy, we must achieve the conservation of this equilibrium, therefore the one-sided blocking treatment may not be expedient.
The treatment with oxygen dissolved in water was developed by a German professor, Otto Wartburg for the supplementary treatment of patients suffering from silicosis. By now it is well known that oxygen dissolved in water in suitable form improves the oxygen supply of the tissues, first of all naturally around the entry-absorption site (skin, alimentary tract, liver), but due to the stability of the clusters it reaches further through the blood. Tests carried out in different tumour cellines showed a 50-100% decrease in the number of tumour cells. The effect is not linear with the concentration of oxygen, and is only present in kaqun water, and not in boiled water (boiling breaks down the cluster structure).
Results of other measurements with kaqun water:
1.      Muscular power increased after drinking water. Reaction time decreases by several msecs. This measurement showed the increase in the performance of the muscular system due to the consumption of kaqun water.
2.      The oxygen saturation of the blood increased by 1.2%-al after drinking water. The average cardiac stress measured with the Vocardio device decreased from 22 to 16 (improved), the pulse rate decreased. This measurement shows the reaction capacity of the cardiac muscles to load. Blood pressure decreased by 2%, the result of the Rosenberg test improved. (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences)
3.      Cardio-vascular diseases (tests of Dr. György Zeltner):
a.       In the case of patients suffering from angina the need of taking nitrates decreased in 75% of the cases, while 41% stopped taking nitrates altogether.
b.      In the case of atrial fibrillation, the rhythm became normal.
c.       TIA, VBI improved by 80% after drinking water
d.      In the case of peripheral obliterative vascular disease walking distance increased by 85% and for 25% of leg ulcers were also cured.
e.       60% of varicose leg ulcers were cured during kaqun bath.
4.      Kaqun water bath has the effect of improving skin diseases (virus, bacteria, fungus), and ulcers (varicose, angiostenotic, diabetic) improve or disappear completely.
5.      In the case of traumatic injuries epithelisation accelerates, burnt skin (radiation, thermal burns) heals without or with minimal scarring.
6.      In the case of sever physical load kaqun water decreases tiredness (long distance driving)
Kaqun water is used/applied in three forms.
1.      Consumption of kaqun water; in the case of preventive and conservation treatment the dose should be ½ l per day, in the case of therapy 1.5 l per day distributed throughout the day. In this case, the effect will become apparent after absorption in the alimentary tract, and the treatment is used in the case of diseases of internal organs, organs further from the skin and diseases of the alimentary tract.
2.      Bathing in kaqun water. The duration of the bath should be 50 minutes, 1-3 baths can be taken per day depending on the seriousness of the disease. It is recommended principally for diseases connoted with the skin or close to it but it is useful in other cases too. The duration of the bath cure should be two weeks, which can be continued after a pause. This should be determined according to the condition of the patient and the speed of healing
3.      The use of oxy gel, which ensures long-term oxygen effect in the case of ulcers.
Availability of the treatment:
The Kaqun treatment site operates at the basement of the Semmelweis Hospital surgery. Appointment: 06-20-2056789. Professional questions: Dr. Zoltán Hegedűs
1. G. N. I. Clark, C. D. Cappa, J. D. Smith, R. J. Saykally, T. Head-Gordon The Structure of Ambient Water, J. Mol. Phys 108, 1415-1433 (2010) 

2.     Dr. Tóth József „Az oxigenizáció hatása a daganatok biológiai viselkedésére”. Orvosi Hetilap 2007 július 1415-1420.

3.     Dröge W. Free Radicals in the Physiological Control of Cell Function. Physiol Rev 2002 82: 47-95
4.      Vallance P, Leiper J. Blocking NO synthesis: how, where and why? Nat Rev Drug Discov 2002 1: 939-950.
5. José M. Matés, Francisca M. Sánchez-Jiménez; Role of reactive oxygen species in apoptosis: implications for cancer therapy. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell BiologyVolume 32, Issue 2, February 2000, Pages 157-170 

Oxygen Starvation

Why are we so excited by Kaqun water?   Here are some excerpts from an article written by Dr. Stephen Levine  over 20 years ago.  We can only speculate that the situation today is even worse.

Oxygen Starvation

Dr. Stephen Levin PhD “Oxygen and Life”  published in “The Vitamin Supplement”  Winter 1987

Modern technology has caused oxygen in the atmosphere to decrease.
Increased use of carbon based fuels decrease oxygen (ie automobiles, heating, electricity)
Decrease in forested areas decreases oxygen production.

In the body:
Physical assaults or disease cause oxygen deficiency.
Excess inflammation requires increased oxygen use.
Increased oxygen utilization is a signpost of stress.
Low oxygen in body tissues is a sure indicator of stress.

Optimal amounts of oxygen in our tissues are  needed to attract the electrical energy present in alive, fresh, natural foods.

Oxygen starvation is the single greatest cause of all disease.

We are starving in our cities because we combust oxygen in our automobiles and industries.
We are starving in our offices when we increase insulation to save energy costs.
We are starving because of fewer oxygen generating plants and forests.
We are starving because of pollutants which use up oxygen in our atmosphere
We are starving because the pollutants that we eat and drink are detoxified using oxygen.

Free radical forms of oxygen are used by our bodies to combat infections.

Oxygen deficiency is the biggest cause of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Oxygen concentrations in our atmosphere are  being reduced by 0.8 percent every 15 years.

In the case of illness, oxygen becomes less available for respiration as it is used up by inflammatory, immunological and detoxification processes.

Emotional stress produces adrenaline.  Oxygen is required to detoxify adrenaline.

Oxygen is the single most important substance in life and should be used regularly as a medicine to treat the sick.

Inhalation of pure oxygen is inadequate because lung tissue may be damaged by the high tension oxygen delivered by mouth. Other means should be developed.   

Friday, November 8, 2013


After our trip to Hungary, we committed to make this water available to people in Toronto. Because the water is so rich with oxygen, it provides another means to bring more oxygen to your body as you drink it or bath in it. Given that our atmosphere is containing less and less oxygen to breath and pollution is interfering with the available oxygen in the atmosphere, can we be surprised that we experience all kinds of problems because of oxygen deficits. 
Check out, and for more information. will be ready very soon and you can purchase Kaqun water to be delivered right to your home.  In the meantime, it can be picked up at the Canadian Centre and you can start drinking now. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013


We are very thrilled to have the Kaqun water available.   This is our story.  We went to Hungary at the strong urging of our friend and colleague, Dr. Tom Janossy.  We researched the blog at and also timed our trip so that we could attend a conference at the oncology center associated with the world famous Semmelweiss University.   This cancer center is the 2nd largest in Europe and they have made the baths available there for their patients.  They find that patients tolerate chemo better and the water is able to heal radiation burns.  In studies with healthy people, several immune parameters such as natural killer cells increase.  In a study with mothers holding their children in the bathtub for 40 days of treatments showed significant increases in muscle strength and lessening of spasticity in  children with cerebral palsy.  We stayed at the Vis Vitalis hotel which was out in the country side.   We were able to have 2 baths each day and drink a bottle of the water.   The drinking water holds 2000 times more oxygen than rain water and the baths are 4 times more concentrated with oxygen than the water.  Here is the site of the conference. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Label GMO foods!

A bill in front of Washington state is due to be voted on November 5 requiring that genetically modified foods be honestly labeled as such.  Opponents have spent over 22 million in a campaign to prevent truthful labeling.  Kudos to the Bonner family and products for personally leading the fight. 

When the Bronner family, founders of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, decided to commit to passing I-522, the Washington State GMO labeling initiative, they did it in a big way. This one small family-owned business has spent an astonishing $2.3 million to pass a GMO labeling law in Washington State.
Why take such a big risk? Because the Bronners know that if we win this battle, we will win the war.
While so many companies – multi-million dollar national brands – have sat on the sidelines, making excuses for not contributing much-needed money to the YES on I-522 campaign, Dr. Bronner’s has gone out on a limb. For your right to know.

Snipped from the Organic Consumers Association

Monday, October 28, 2013

At the Whole Life Expo

CCIHS offers Kaqun Drinking Water!
We will be offering Kaqun water at our Centre early in November.  Kaqun water is uniquely highly oxygenated, that is, 2000 times that of rain water.  For more information check out   For the European website in English, look at  In a few weeks, you will also be able to order online at

We are seeking a few people to participate in a patient funded study.   We want to verify the effect of drinking Kaqun water on stem cell production.  Individuals will get Kaqun water at a discounted rate and very special pricing for the best stem cell testing lab in Europe.  This is a wonderful way to measure vitality and successful aging.  Call us at 416-922-0006 if interested.   This would require base line testing and retesting in 2 weeks. 

We will be at the Whole Life Expo on November 22-24.  Come by our booth and sample the water.  We will be presenting on Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 12:30 pm. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Dear Dr. Gaudin,

I write this note to thank you.  We met in 2009 following my diagnosis with stomach cancer in November 2008.  I went to the Integrated Health Studies clinic looking for alternatives to medical treatments not being comfortable with the options presented to me by the medical profession.

My partner Jeannelle and I met with you where you explained that a toxicity test would be performed;  this test was the baseline for my treatments.  Having worked in a body shop for 25 years, my toxicity levels were off the chart.  I then spent the next five months getting treatments to fight my cancer and increase my health overall.  You were consistent in your advice, knowledgeable in your treatments and above what I had ever seen or experienced in respect and work ethics from a doctor.  I observed first hand how you dealt with desperate and very sick individuals with patience, kindness and professionalism;  I also met long time patients who respected you as much as I did, and gained great respect for a man who has dedicated his life to the well being of others.

Three years later, I am cancer free and not only have I re-gained my healthy life, I have also gained a friend.  You will forever be in my heart for your dedication, honesty and determination to help and heal people.  This extends to the staff at the CCIHS as well.


Donat Fleury

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kaqun European Water System

KAQUN water is the only-currently known-water which is available in bottled form and as a bath, and has medical scientific results from research carried out on healthy volunteers. 

KAQUN water is such a unique new development which is able to ease hypoxia because of its high oxygen content.   As a result of the KAQUN technology, oxygen is present in a stable form with a concentration of 18-25 mg/ml.  In contrast, rainwater which can pick up oxygen from the atmosphere (21% oxygen) has an oxygen content of .001%. (2000% less!) 

During production, chemicals are NOT used.  High pressure oxygen is NOT applied from an outside source.

Drinking KAQUN water facilitates the absorption of oxygen through the mucous membranes in the stomach and the bowels and then from the blood stream to all parts of the body. 

KAQUN water is non carbonated, produced from water of high purity and low mineral content and has an alkaline pH of 7.6 to 8. 

The advantages of regularly drinking KAQUN water stems from reducing hypoxia.  This in turn improves microcirculation.  Studies have been done validating strengthened immune systems, improved healing, mitigation of chemotherapy and radiation side effects.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Introducing Peter Pavolotsky

We are blending ancient wisdom with cutting edge information and wellness techniques.  Peter is now available to offer his services.

Peter Pavolotsky (R. Ac., R. TCMP) specializes in chronic pain and Chinese Internal Medicine. He is a graduate of the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has B.Sc. (in Physical Education). He is a Registered Practitioner of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology and is a registered member of TCM Physicians Association of Canada (TCMPAC) and Canadian Society of Chinese Medicine (CSCMA). He has been practicing TCM since 2002. His services are covered by Extended Health Insurance Plans.

Introduction to PEMF recharge your battery

This information has been provided by Dr. Garry Gordon