Why are we so excited by Kaqun water? Here are some excerpts from an article written by Dr. Stephen Levine over 20 years ago. We can only speculate that the situation today is even worse.
Oxygen Starvation
Dr. Stephen Levin PhD “Oxygen and Life” published in “The Vitamin Supplement” Winter 1987
Modern technology has caused oxygen in the atmosphere to
Increased use of carbon based fuels decrease oxygen (ie
automobiles, heating, electricity)
Decrease in forested areas decreases oxygen production.
In the body:
Physical assaults or disease cause oxygen deficiency.
Excess inflammation requires increased oxygen use.
Increased oxygen utilization is a signpost of stress.
Low oxygen in body tissues is a sure indicator of stress.
Optimal amounts of oxygen in our tissues are needed to
attract the electrical energy present in alive, fresh, natural foods.
Oxygen starvation is the single greatest cause of all
We are starving in our cities because we combust oxygen in
our automobiles and industries.
We are starving in our offices when we increase insulation
to save energy costs.
We are starving because of fewer oxygen generating plants
and forests.
We are starving because of pollutants which use up oxygen in
our atmosphere
We are starving because the pollutants that we eat and drink
are detoxified using oxygen.
Free radical forms of oxygen are used by our bodies to
combat infections.
Oxygen deficiency is the biggest cause of cancer and
cardiovascular disease.
Oxygen concentrations in our atmosphere are being reduced by
0.8 percent every 15 years.
In the case of illness, oxygen becomes less available for
respiration as it is used up by inflammatory, immunological and detoxification
Emotional stress produces adrenaline. Oxygen is required to detoxify adrenaline.
Oxygen is the single most important substance in life and
should be used regularly as a medicine to treat the sick.
Inhalation of pure oxygen is inadequate because lung tissue
may be damaged by the high tension oxygen delivered by mouth. Other means
should be developed.